Can a print server be used in a smart home setup?

In the rapidly evolving world of smart home technology, integrating various devices to create a seamless and interconnected environment is increasingly common. One such device that can be considered for a smart home setup is a print server. But can a print server truly fit into this modern, automated household? In this article, we delve into the functionalities, benefits, and possibilities of using a print server in a smart home setup.

Understanding Print Servers

A print server is a device or software that connects printers to client devices (such as computers or smartphones) over a network. It manages print requests, queues, and allows multiple users to access a single or multiple printers. Let’s break down the function of a print server:

Aspect Description
Device Type Wireless or Wired hardware, and software-based
Function Manage and distribute print tasks
Connectivity Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or USB
User Access Multiple users can access the printer(s)

Key Benefits of a Print Server in a Smart Home

Integrating a print server into a smart home setup can provide several key benefits:

  • Centralized Printing: A print server allows multiple smart devices within your home to print from a single or multiple printers efficiently.
  • Cost Efficiency: Instead of having multiple printers for different devices, a single printer can be shared, reducing costs and space usage.
  • Enhanced Security: Print servers can offer advanced security features such as user authentication and secure print release, ensuring that only authorized users can print sensitive documents.
  • Remote Access: Modern print servers often come with cloud printing capabilities, which can allow you to send print jobs to your home printer from anywhere in the world.

Setting Up a Print Server in a Smart Home

Integrating a print server into your smart home setup involves a few key steps:

1. Choose the Right Print Server

Choose between wireless, wired, or virtual print servers based on your required connectivity and network setup. Make sure it supports your printer model and the devices you’ll be using.

2. Connect the Print Server

Connect your print server to the network. For wired servers, use an Ethernet cable to connect to your router. For wireless, follow the Wi-Fi setup instructions.

3. Configure the Print Server

Using the print server’s setup utility (usually accessed via a web browser), configure your printer, user permissions, and other settings as needed.

4. Add Printers to Smart Devices

On your smart devices (phones, tablets, computers), add the printer through the device’s printing settings. Follow the specific instructions for network printers.

Smart Home Applications for Print Servers

The integration of a print server into your smart home opens up various interesting and practical applications:

Voice-Activated Printing

With apps and platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, you can enable voice-activated print commands. For example, you can say, “Alexa, print my grocery list,” and your print server will handle the request.

Automated Printing

By setting up automation routines, you can schedule print jobs. For instance, documents or reports can be printed automatically at a specific time each day.

Family Sharing

If multiple family members use the printer for school, work, or personal projects, a print server ensures that everyone can easily and efficiently access the printer.

Remote Printing

Even when you’re away from home, you can send a document to your home printer. This is particularly useful for those working remotely or who need to print sensitive documents securely at their home office.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite the advantages, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Network Dependence: A print server relies on a stable network connection. Any disruption in the network could affect printing capabilities.
  • Setup Complexity: Initial setup might be challenging for those unfamiliar with network configurations and printer settings.
  • Compatibility Issues: Not all printers and devices are compatible with every print server. It’s essential to verify compatibility before purchasing.


Incorporating a print server into a smart home setup is not only feasible but also brings numerous benefits such as centralized printing, cost efficiency, enhanced security, and remote access. By understanding the setup process and potential applications, you can create a highly efficient and secure printing environment that integrates seamlessly with your smart home ecosystem.